
Application for Graduate Admission

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如何提供认证件 How to provide the degree authentication?


Applicants are suggested to submit the original degree together with the degree authentication. Generally, the authentication should be issued by the following institutions:

1.Degree authentication issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education of the P.R.China: http://zwfw.cscse.edu.cn/(Only for the degrees issued by overseas universities );
2. Degree authentication issued by China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) : http://www.chinadegrees.cn/cn/(Only for the degrees issued by universities in Mainland China);
3. Degree authentication issued by the institution designated by the target department or program.



1、中国教育部留学服务中心出具的认证报告 http://zwfw.cscse.edu.cn/(境外高校);
2、中国教育部学位中心出具的认证报告 http://www.chinadegrees.cn/cn/(境内高校);